
Alejandro flip masters scene
Alejandro flip masters scene

Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School plays with the trope: while attractive characters like self-centered Ruruka, Black-and-White Insanity-inflicted Munakata, drone spy Miaya, and beefcake Ikemen Juzo are definitely on the worse side of things, the villain is old, unattractive Kazuo Tengan.Ciel Phantomhive is a Dude Looks Like a Lady Bishōnen and is not exactly a Nice Guy.Aleister Chamber has good looks but also proves to be a crazy asshole in every appearance.Sebastian is a devilishly good looking man but he's also a demon and a cold, amoral one at that.She is every bit as vile as the other God Hands, shown when she comments that Femto's rape of Casca while Guts watches is wonderful, and forces Guts to perform oral sex on her when having him captured, making it clear she wants him as her Sex Slave. Slan is a more risque version of The Vamp who goes around only in a neck corset and an underbust corset that looks like a penis being inserted between her breasts.In contrast, the Anti-Hero protagonist Guts is handsome, but in a more rugged and perhaps intimidating way, sometimes falling victim to Face of a Thug or just his own lack of social skills. Ironically, he became even more beautiful after he gave up his humanity, having an aura of divine beauty about him that convinces people he's a messiah-like figure. At first, he was morally ambiguous, but after sacrificing his comrades to become a demon, he took on the status of the main villain. He has always been able to use his looks to his advantage, which is frequently necessary for his goal of gaining his own kingdom. Griffith is a Long-Haired Pretty Boy with the body of a Greek god.Can also lead to Wasted Beauty if the character's bad traits ends up driving away those who were initially attracted by their beauty. If more than one standard of beauty is competing in a work and this comes into play, it's the more conventional beauties who will be not-so-good.Ĭan overlap with Alpha Bitch Attention Whore Brainless Beauty D-Cup Distress Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon Cruel Cheerleader Light Is Not Good Muscle Beach Bum Narcissist Peer Pressure Makes You Evil Petite Pride Plastic Bitch Popular Is Dumb Popular Is Evil Real Women Don't Wear Dresses Real Women Have Curves Sex Is Evil, Slut-Shaming and Sex Is Evil, and I Am Horny. Please note that Beauty Is Bad refers to conventional measures of beauty. Evil Is Sexy refers to the use of sexuality and attractiveness to add appeal to a villain (intentionally or otherwise) Beauty Is Bad refers to making a character good-looking to indicate that they are insufferable and unlikable. This trope is the opposite of Beauty Equals Goodness and is related to, but not the same as, Evil Is Sexy. There are plenty of gorgeous Rich Bitches in fiction too and a guy might fall for originally her based on superficial beauty before moving on his less attractive ( but still undoubtedly pretty) Nice Girl true love.

alejandro flip masters scene

Uptown Girl and Ugly Guy, Hot Wife both run off "Beauty Is Bad, but only for men." However, this is not always the case. At the same time, the rich girl for whom he is competing will have a heart of gold despite being the most beautiful girl in school. The poor, working-class underdog will have rich pretty-boy rivals, all of whom have the personality of a toad. Often, Beauty Is Bad appears alongside Beauty Equals Goodness in the same work, especially in romantic situations, because of the Double Standard. The moral of stories where this holds becomes, " Be Yourself, and that never means being pretty or acting polite and always being ' that guy '". This trope provides a layer of This Loser Is You when taken to include not just an average-to-ugly appearance but also crude behavior. A good-looking character in a work where this holds is either hiding their unattractiveness or geekiness from the public (and will later embrace it) or is a vain, crass, vulgar, shallow, self-absorbed, unintelligent Jerkass. There were some attractive villains - sometimes Evil Is Sexy - but Beauty Equals Goodness used to be taken for granted by writers and producers, but a trend arose and became inescapable in the mid- 1980s after the theatrical release of Revenge of the Nerds and continuing from there, which implies that the majority of good, reliable, honest, clean-cut and reputable people are behind the times, unfashionable, out of shape and uncool.

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Traditionally, heroes are attractive, clean, and well-mannered, and villains are ugly, unhygienic, and boorish. If a character is beautiful, then that character is a bad person, either publicly or secretly.

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Marty Nemko, Why I Like to Hire Ugly People

Alejandro flip masters scene