Statistics seem to indicate Opus Magnum belongs, and should be superior to the last 3 releases. GOG.com est une plateforme de distribution numérique une boutique en ligne avec une sélection de jeux triés sur le volet, un client optionnel vous offrant une liberté de choix complète et une communauté vivante composée de gamers.

The other games took months to sell as many copies. The first 3 games released here are 44%, 51% and 56% or in other words, average games on Steam (50% means middle of the catalog in terms of likes and dislike ratio). The first thing that stands out is the "Score Rank". Score rank: 97% Userscore: 97% Old userscore: 97% now ask yourself the question about Opus Magnum, just for a moment. Players in the last 2 weeks: 8,210 ± 2,795 (14.35%) GOG.com is a digital distribution platform an online store with a curated selection of games, an optional gaming client giving you freedom of choice, and a vivid community of gamers. Score rank: 44% Userscore: 79% Old userscore: 79% Metascore: 74% Release date: (previously in Early Access)
Gog opus magnum Patch#
From the looks of it (unless Zachtronics never updated the version number and never added patch notes to GOG) it's still the original release from January 30. some had new puzzles, others were fixes, etc. Players in the last 2 weeks: 2,239 ± 1,459 (4.5%) The game released on GOG on January 30, 2018, but the Steam News page for the game shows 4 updates from March 5 through April 4, 2018.

Score rank: 56% Userscore: 84% Old userscore: 84% Score rank: 51% Userscore: 82% Old userscore: 82% Compare this game to the recent releases: