SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a slender white humanoid entity with disproportionately large limbs. SCP-049 has also perfected his formula, coverting humans into 049-2 instances instantaneously with his touch. During the containment breach, 049 was released and has deemed all humans in the facility as carriers of the damned pestilence and all must be cured. SCP-049 considers 049-2 instances cured of disease, but does admit the cure requires some minor adjustments to be perfect. However, 049 seems to have control over the instances. SCP-049-2 instances are the animated dead, having no higher brain function and are extremely hostile. This process will create a SCP-049-2 instance. SCP-049 will then appear to perform surgery on the subject, injecting them with a unknown liquid. When it has located a person who it deemed infected with the pestilence, SCP-049 will attempt to touch the infected, as direct touch from SCP-049 will lead to the complete biological failure of a human being. It seeks to rid the world of a mysterious disease it refers to as the pestilence. SCP-049 is usually passive, and communicative. SCP-049, also known as the Plague Doctor, is a humanoid entity which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. This plays into the biggest weakness of 035, the mask produces a corrosive liquid which will slowly kill the host, thus giving SCP-035 a low lifespan. However, despite the ability to pickup First Aid Kits, it cannot heal. SCP-035 is unique from other SCP with the ability to pick up items, such as weapons. Ingame, this effect does not exist and players who put on SCP-035 will play as a SCP-035 host.SCP-035 hosts have a white uniform with black corrosive liquid flowing from its face, and visible on its upper chest area. SCP-035, when placed on a human, will produce an alternate brain wave pattern overlaps that of the original host, effectively killing the host. The mask's pull is ulimately defeatable, but any human who is unable to resist its pull will become the host of SCP-035. Any human within the room will have a sudden urge to put on the mask. SCP-035, also known as the possessive mask, appears to be a white porcelin comedy mask that will spawn in SCP-513's cell. The hostile SCPs that have escaped now seek to eliminate all humans in their path, The Chaos Insurgency predicted this move and sent their own spies into the site, causing a site-wide containment breach. After numerous raids from the Chaos Insurgency, the SCP Foundation were forced to put several high-value SCPs in a single facility refered to as Site.

SCPs are commonly hunted by other organisations such as the Chaos Insurgency, which makes their protection important. In SCP: Containment Breach, SCPs typically refer to hostile sentient beings that seek to kill or inflict an anomalous affect on all humans they can find. Anything that breaks the laws of established human science is deemed anomalous and will warrant the attention of the Foundation.
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